Our mission is to save you time and delight your taste buds by stocking your freezer with our homemade meals!

Our Story
After thinking a bit more, I realized that all of my volunteer work revolved around feeding people. I coordinate the Student Nutrition Program at my kids’ school and I cook and serve dinner to our local fire department once a month. I started thinking about food and meal planning and it just clicked. I have been making freezer meals since I was pregnant with my middle child in 2015. I love the ease of pulling a home cooked meal out of the freezer for dinner but I also know that there are many people out there who don’t have the time or inclination to do batch cooking. I thought, “I can do that!”
Our home already had a second kitchen in the basement, so my husband and I began researching to see what we would need to do to make our basement kitchen comply with the Health Unit guidelines. Once we were sure that it would work, the real work began… renovating, coming up with a name, testing recipes and planning how the business would run. The UnderCooked website launched on August 20, 2020 and I have been cooking up a storm ever since!